Wings From The Unseelie Court

I've done these Elvina wings in a palette that reminds me of green faeries, absinthe, and the ‘Paris Green’ that actually was toxic and killed people in the Victorian era - it was in their wallpaper, their clothing, everywhere.
It was in fashion due to its bright emerald green that previously was not possible to achieve.

Absinthe & Arsenic - Elvina fairy wings with flocking and AB crystals

It also makes me think of the green wildfire in Game of Thrones, as well as the green flames from Maleficent’s dragon form.
I don’t suggest wearing these in rain, since there is no way to really coat or preserve the flock without ruining the appearance.

There is yet another set of wings available today, also on the unseelie side - the Draconia II wings in Dark Crystal with black veining.

Draconia II wings in Dark Crystal film with black veins

These also give off a Maleficent vibe don’t they? But they were originally inspired by the crystal bats in the original Dark Crystal movie! Not the same design but a slightly similar style.
I’m working on listing them as we speak, so get on over to the shop!

Fairy Wing Painting Tutorial is Now On Patreon!

That’s right! Now that you’ve watched my first tutorial to learn how to make iridescent fairy wings, you can expand on your crafting skills by adding additional colors to your wings!

If you want to be one of the early viewers of the tutorial, you can watch it on Patreon here:

It’s exclusive to my Patreon Patrons now until Dec. 1st.

I had planned on releasing this much earlier but life got in the way - as did the threat of evacuation from the nearby Northern CA fires o.O
At least you’ll be ready for the spring festivals and next year’s Halloween season eh? ;P
Have a happy Halloween and Samhain, fairies <3