New Patreon Rewards for November

They’re late, but they’re finally here! I’ve posted new fairy wing SVG cutting files to the 2 upper tiers of my Patreon patrons.
The Extra Fancy tier is receiving the Luna Moth wing panel file.

The Fanciest of Them All receives the above Luna Moth wing file PLUS the Dragonfly wing files!
These are quite detailed, even without the extra painted layer of the tiniest veins.

These are both designs straight from nature, so you are free to create wings or other things from them for either personal or commercial use.
Please no distribution of the files themselves though, these are exclusive to my Patrons.
If you would like to know more or subscribe, go to

Fairy Wing Painting Tutorial is Now On Patreon!

That’s right! Now that you’ve watched my first tutorial to learn how to make iridescent fairy wings, you can expand on your crafting skills by adding additional colors to your wings!

If you want to be one of the early viewers of the tutorial, you can watch it on Patreon here:

It’s exclusive to my Patreon Patrons now until Dec. 1st.

I had planned on releasing this much earlier but life got in the way - as did the threat of evacuation from the nearby Northern CA fires o.O
At least you’ll be ready for the spring festivals and next year’s Halloween season eh? ;P
Have a happy Halloween and Samhain, fairies <3