Fairy Wing Flash Sale Tomorrow, New Film Color

Tomorrow, Sunday April 11 at 1pm Pacific Daylight Time I’ll have a small flash sale. There will be one new film color I’m calling Bloom used on these Elvina wings with white veins.


Bloom looks an awful lot like the Spiked Punch color, but slightly on the cooler pink side. I’m not sure if I’ll keep stocking both, I’ll probably pick one of them to keep using.

The other wings will be repeat styles, all the others will have black veins and there will be one painted Colette in the Blue Moon palette.

Remember to be ready right on time! The new wings for sale will still show up on the Home page, but this link below for the Flash Sale page won’t have any other extra items on it: https://fancy-fairy-wings-things.myshopify.com/collections/flash-sales

Small Made to Order Fairy Wing Flash Sale Tomorrow, March 14 at 7pm PDT

That’s right, you’ll be able to choose your film color and either black or white veining!


The Elvina design (above) will be available, as well as at least one of the Datura, Nightshade, Aquatica and Colette designs. Each will be priced $75 higher than their ready-to-ship pricing to account for the additional customer service time usually involved with orders that have choices available.

Below are those other designs in the order I named them. You can also use the search function in my Shopify store to look up those designs in other colors. The vein design will be limited to black or white but the film color can be any of the films I have on hand. Please note that the Aquamarine has been replaced with the Absinthe film, which is very very similar.

Flash Sale Saturday, Feb. 27 at 9am PST!

This Saturday at 9am Pacific Time, 2 sets of the Colette Pix wing design in Dark Crystal film with silver veins will be available, along with a couple other repeat styles.

These wings have an additional layer of thin delicate veins cut from silver vinyl combined with the silver chrome coated aluminum ones.

I plan to have some Aquatica wings listed as well, and possibly Fauna wings, in repeat colorways.

If you need the flash sale page link, here you go: https://fancy-fairy-wings-things.myshopify.com/collections/flash-sales

Valentine's Day Flash Sale!

These Valentine themed painted Aynia fairy wings with gold veining will be kicking off the sale at 6pm Pacific Time, Sunday 2/14. I’m adding a mini Valentine set of Guinevere wings to it as well! Both featuring my digitally hand painted designs laminated onto the Satin White iridescent film.

These mini wings are made with acetate laminated onto the film and hand embossed, they don’t have a rigid frame laminated inside like my others have. They’re embellished further with some Swarovski crystals and brass filigree.
You may want to glaze them with a clear resin if you want them to be really sturdy. The 4 panels are all separate and you can sew them onto your costume or attach them to your hair pieces.

I’ll also be listing a couple other designs, 2 sets of each will be available. This is the Pansy wing set in Dark Crystal film with silver chrome veining.

Last are the Elvina wings, done in the Opal film with gold veining.

Remember, they’re going to go live tomorrow, Valentine’s Day, Feb 13 at 6pm pacific at the link below:

*The listings won’t show up until that time!

Flash Sale Alert! Tomorrow, Thursday 2/4/21 at 11am PST

Extra large Datura fairy wings in iridescent Absinthe and gold veins, dropping tomorrow!

These wings will be $610 plus shipping.
I’ll also be listing a few repeat wing styles as well. Still a small sale but I’m trying to at least make these happen more often and eventually more wings listed in them.
So you have your shop link handy, here you go: https://fancy-fairy-wings-things.myshopify.com/collections/flash-sales

Fairy Wing Accessories January Flash Sale! Tonight, 1/28 at 9pm Pacific Time

I’m back with a small offering of winged hair combs! Listings will go live tonight, Thursday, 1/28 at 9pm PST.
Let’s start with the biggest set, the 5 inch Salome wing design painted in greens with touches of purple, with brass veining and setting, and an iridescent glass crystal set in an ornate brass setting with filigree at the base. All the wings are embellished with Swarovski crystals.


Next up, the painted 3 inch Salome combs in purple with touches of green, with a narrower base sans the filigree, and a resin faux dark opal.


This next set is the 3inch Salome design, but with an extra of the upper panels so that each comb has 3. They’re a single color, the Aquamarine, with brass veins and a butterfly body setting at the base with an iridescent crystal.


The final set is the 3 inch Aphrodite fairy wing design also done in Aqua with brass veins and setting, with an additional panel from the Vivienne wings so it’s also 3 panels on each comb.
The ornate setting at the base of these is one I love the look of, but unless I find a different sort of hair attachment that’s easier to attach it to I might not work with this setting again. It’s actually 2 settings, the stone setting with the sort of crown edging, fit into a fancy base with a hole in the middle.
All Swarovski crystals on this one, including the blue stone at the base.


That’s all of them!
The large green Salome combs are gold plated, but the combs in the other sets are silver plated as I couldn’t get a hold of more gold plated ones quickly. The combs themselves are mostly hidden in hair anyway.
Remember to be ready right at 9pm Pacific time, here’s the flash sale page link if you need it: https://fancy-fairy-wings-things.myshopify.com/collections/flash-sales

Fairy Wing Flash Sale! Tomorrow, Nov. 17 at 10am Pacific

Sorry to keep you waiting fairies! It took a minute to recuperate from the election stress but I’ve gotten some wings made for you. This Extra Large Pansy set in Ultraviolet film with copper veins is the star of the show.

They’re just a smidge smaller than the giant size, with the upper panels measuring roughly 26 - 27 inches long. They’re laminated with the Ultraviolet iridescent film, which shines mostly violet with some blue and hints of teal and a yellowish undertone. They are also the most clear of the films, so they look very ethereal.

In addition to these, I’ll also have a set of the Colette wings in clear Diamond Fire, there’s a set of the Rainbow Aquatica wings I already listed this weekend (surprise!) and I may add another repeat style if I can find time.
In case you need it, here’s the shop link: https://fancy-fairy-wings-things.myshopify.com/collections/flash-sales

Notice it’s different from the Home page of my Shopify store, although they’ll also show up there but the Flash sale page won’t have all the digital items showing first.