Fairy Wing Flash Sale Tomorrow, New Film Color

Tomorrow, Sunday April 11 at 1pm Pacific Daylight Time I’ll have a small flash sale. There will be one new film color I’m calling Bloom used on these Elvina wings with white veins.


Bloom looks an awful lot like the Spiked Punch color, but slightly on the cooler pink side. I’m not sure if I’ll keep stocking both, I’ll probably pick one of them to keep using.

The other wings will be repeat styles, all the others will have black veins and there will be one painted Colette in the Blue Moon palette.

Remember to be ready right on time! The new wings for sale will still show up on the Home page, but this link below for the Flash Sale page won’t have any other extra items on it: https://fancy-fairy-wings-things.myshopify.com/collections/flash-sales