Flash Sale Alert! Tomorrow, Thursday 2/4/21 at 11am PST

Extra large Datura fairy wings in iridescent Absinthe and gold veins, dropping tomorrow!

These wings will be $610 plus shipping.
I’ll also be listing a few repeat wing styles as well. Still a small sale but I’m trying to at least make these happen more often and eventually more wings listed in them.
So you have your shop link handy, here you go: https://fancy-fairy-wings-things.myshopify.com/collections/flash-sales

Fairy Wing Accessories January Flash Sale! Tonight, 1/28 at 9pm Pacific Time

I’m back with a small offering of winged hair combs! Listings will go live tonight, Thursday, 1/28 at 9pm PST.
Let’s start with the biggest set, the 5 inch Salome wing design painted in greens with touches of purple, with brass veining and setting, and an iridescent glass crystal set in an ornate brass setting with filigree at the base. All the wings are embellished with Swarovski crystals.


Next up, the painted 3 inch Salome combs in purple with touches of green, with a narrower base sans the filigree, and a resin faux dark opal.


This next set is the 3inch Salome design, but with an extra of the upper panels so that each comb has 3. They’re a single color, the Aquamarine, with brass veins and a butterfly body setting at the base with an iridescent crystal.


The final set is the 3 inch Aphrodite fairy wing design also done in Aqua with brass veins and setting, with an additional panel from the Vivienne wings so it’s also 3 panels on each comb.
The ornate setting at the base of these is one I love the look of, but unless I find a different sort of hair attachment that’s easier to attach it to I might not work with this setting again. It’s actually 2 settings, the stone setting with the sort of crown edging, fit into a fancy base with a hole in the middle.
All Swarovski crystals on this one, including the blue stone at the base.


That’s all of them!
The large green Salome combs are gold plated, but the combs in the other sets are silver plated as I couldn’t get a hold of more gold plated ones quickly. The combs themselves are mostly hidden in hair anyway.
Remember to be ready right at 9pm Pacific time, here’s the flash sale page link if you need it: https://fancy-fairy-wings-things.myshopify.com/collections/flash-sales

Fairy Wing Flash Sale! Tomorrow, Nov. 17 at 10am Pacific

Sorry to keep you waiting fairies! It took a minute to recuperate from the election stress but I’ve gotten some wings made for you. This Extra Large Pansy set in Ultraviolet film with copper veins is the star of the show.

They’re just a smidge smaller than the giant size, with the upper panels measuring roughly 26 - 27 inches long. They’re laminated with the Ultraviolet iridescent film, which shines mostly violet with some blue and hints of teal and a yellowish undertone. They are also the most clear of the films, so they look very ethereal.

In addition to these, I’ll also have a set of the Colette wings in clear Diamond Fire, there’s a set of the Rainbow Aquatica wings I already listed this weekend (surprise!) and I may add another repeat style if I can find time.
In case you need it, here’s the shop link: https://fancy-fairy-wings-things.myshopify.com/collections/flash-sales

Notice it’s different from the Home page of my Shopify store, although they’ll also show up there but the Flash sale page won’t have all the digital items showing first.

Accessories Flash Sale Tomorrow, Friday Sept. 4 at 8am Pacific!

Well if you are a Patreon patron it’s not so much a surprise, but usually I like to announce things more ahead of time.
Tomorrow, Friday 9/4 at 8am Pacific Daylight Time, I’ll be listing all of the pieces below - 2 crowns, 3 hair combs and 3 each of the dark and light crystal Nightshade necklaces.

I’m never sure if any of these accessory pieces will be repeated because sometimes the specific settings & findings are unavailable after I’ve used a small batch, but I can tell you now I won’t repeat those tiaras exactly. That brass stamping was torture to solder to the metal band and although some of that was my own inexperience with soldering these types of things together, much of it was that type of stamping with no flat areas in back of it is just plain difficult to solder especially for a piece that needs to flex to be worn.
If it weren’t for an opportunity that unexpectedly came up, i would have jumped ahead by now to getting my own crown design cut from metal and am still moving forward with that.

Next time I offer crowns, they should be completely original pieces with a few added commercially available embellishments like jewels and their settings.
Need a link to the shop? Bookmark it so you won’t be late! https://fancy-fairy-wings-things.myshopify.com/

3 Faerie Crowns in Search of Their Queens

Faerie crowns for queens of their own kingdoms, the Aynia Lilac, the Aphrodite Azure, and the Vivienne Rainbow Faerie Queen crowns will be listing this Thursday morning, May 28 at 8:30am Pacific Daylight Time.
The metal crown portion of all of these is designed by Alessio Benetti of The Original Atelier.
They've been popular among fantasy designers, who often cut them up to rearrange into crowns and accessories.
I'd only done 2 that way a few years ago before I knew the artist behind them, and thought I would embellish these with my original wings in mini form, along with all the bling, to get out of my creative rut in this pandemic anxiety mode .

First, the Aynia Lilac Queen Crown - my favorite!
This crown has a color theme of wine, lavender and burgundy.
The 5 inch Aynia wings (side) and 1 & a half sets of smaller wings in front and accenting the side top (Salome and Vivienne designs) are all painted in the same color family with touches of bright blue. Wine colored glass jewels decorate the base of the wings, with iridescent Swarovski crystals on the wings and front of the crown.
Brass and clear glass chains hang from each side with pale lavender iridescent crystal drops and purple iridescent beads. This crown will be $479 USD

Next, the Vivienne Rainbow Queen crown.
The metal on this one is a slightly deeper brass color and it has a bit of a tarnish to it, FYI. Gives it a more antique look.
The mini Vivienne wings are painted in the Electric Rainbow Palette, they practically glow! Clear AB oval cabachons decorate the center and each side. A bright, almost neon tangerine AB Swarovski crystal accents the bottom front while clear AB crystal drops hang from brass chains on either side.
This crown will be $300 USD

Finally, the Aphrodite Azure Queen crown.
A silver colored crown (unlike the brass crowns this silver was painted on as that is how I received it) features the 5 inch Aphrodite wings on the sides and the smaller version on front painted in teal and deep blues.
Swarovski crystals are scattered on the wings and decorate the front of the crown, with a giant iridescent magenta and blue cabachon in the center.
It would be perfect for a dry land mermaid.
Silver and iridescent blue beaded chains hang from each side, ending with blue crystal drops.
This crown will be $425 USD

Each comes with ribbon at each side that can tie behind your head. They are removable as well in case you want to try your own attachment methods.
I’m still figuring the pricing, as these took a lot of time and love, and I won’t be making these exact crowns again.
I talked to Alessio Benetti after completing them and showing him the finished crowns, and he informed me that the ones I purchased were actually copies of his work by counterfeit companies!! o.O
Naturally, that is upsetting , as you all know how I feel about infringement.
He was not bothered by it, and it sounds like he’s been dealing with it for quite some time, years in fact, but since he is based in Italy and the counterfeit company is in the US, there isn’t much he can do - unless they ever go back to Italy, where authorities would be waiting for them.
Alessio even suggested I just buy more from the copycats if I like them, because of the expense and difficulty of selling wholesale to America - which he also offered anyway - but I will not be buying any of the copies. I refuse to support art theft, no matter how pretty or cheap it is for me.
Below is what the crowns looked like before I altered and embellished them.

What I will be doing instead, is finally put my original crown project into motion with my own original designs.
I started the project a couple years ago but lost momentum when a life event killed a lot of my motivation, but I now have quite a few designs drawn out and I will be picking a few - maybe 2 to start with - and finalizing the cut files.
This will allow me to build attachment points into the design itself, removing a lot of the headache that’s induced from trying to attach my own work to existing pieces that were meant to be as-is.

That’s the scoop!
If you want to see more behind the scenes and work-in-progress content, you can join my Patreon - my Patrons there also get the earliest peeks at new projects as well as early notification of the next flash sale dates: https://www.patreon.com/faeryangela

Need the shop link? https://fancy-fairy-wings-things.myshopify.com/