Flapping Fairy Wing Mechanism Flash Sale April 20th at 12pm Pacific!

Tomorrow, Saturday April 30 at 12pm Pacific Daylight Time, 6 flapping fairy wing mechanisms will list!

The photo above shows the only new color combo that will be listing - the base is black with an olive green cover.
There will also be:
2 in lime green
1 sakura pink
1 plum
1 olive green
So that’s 6 total mechanisms, Jordan’s been a busy bee getting these made for you! You can see these colors in previous flash sale blog posts.
They will be $375 each plus shipping.

Here’s the shop link if you need it: https://fancy-fairy-wings-things.myshopify.com/collections/flash-sales

Remember, the listings won’t show until the start time!

If you’d like more advance notice of upcoming sales and designs, access to behind-the-scenes content, tutorials and more, consider joining my Patreon. You can subscribe for as little as $1 a month, here:

Flapping Fairy Wing Mechanism Flash Sale Saturday 3/5/22 at 11am PST

Ready to get flapping? Well we’re adding a few new colors in this sale!

There will be one set of Sakura Pink (a peachy-pink), Pastel Green, and Plum, which is similar to the previous lavender but is a bit more red.
Jordan made more sets in the previous colors too, so there will also be one in Olive Green, Sky Blue and Lavender.

I also am going to offer whoever purchases a wing flapping mechanism the opportunity to special order a set of standard large size wings, so if you haven't nabbed a set of mine yet and really want a flapping wing set this will be your chance.
Pricing on the wings will vary depending on whether it's a style I already have cut, starting at $365 and going up depending on availability and whether you want painting. Simply email me after your purchase with your name and the mechanism color you bought to discuss your desired wings and coloring.
Wing designs will be limited to the Ethereal Collection wings.

Remember, the listings won’t show up in my shop until 11am on Saturday March 5 at 11am PST at this link:

Want to learn how make one of these mechanisms yourself, or simply support my business? You can subscribe to my Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/faeryangela

Fluttering Fairy Wings 2.0 Coming Soon

That’s right, the flapping fairy wing project is getting an upgrade!

Jordan has been hard at work improving upon the mechanical flapping wings for me, and it's almost ready - he just needs to tweak a couple small things on the new original 3D printed back brace design to make a cover fit better and allow for a potential corset attachment.

We're working on a cover for it as well that I will make pretty, but we'll first release the brace and shaft pieces without it so you can get to making if you don't mind crafting your own cover in the meantime.

I've created a new $10 tier called Fairy Alchemist in my Patreon, where the 3D print files will be offered. 

Jordan has simplified the process a lot, so that there will be only minimal soldering - you won't need a perf board anymore, resistors or capacitors. There's now an on / off switch as well. I'll update the original free version with the info on which new components to use for easier assembly, so if you don't care about having a nicer brace that's still an option.

We're also now using better servos that can handle a little more weight, and eventually we'll add more flapping speeds & animations. 

We're also considering offering kits to purchase, and if that happens we'll be offering discount coupons on Patreon as well. 

I’m really happy with how this turned out and can’t wait to create more fluttering fairies!

To subscribe to my Patreon, go to https://www.patreon.com/faeryangela

The Flapping Fairy Wing DIY Guide Just Dropped!

It’s not as complete as we originally planned in 2016, but anyone with experience in soldering and electronics should be able to make a set using this or get someone like that to help you.

The guide is now available here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/flapping-fairy-45413944

Happy wing making!