Moth Berries and Dark Crystals

I’m having a ready-to-ship fairy wing flash sale Tuesday 9/3/24 at 6pm PDT, plus made-to-order Giant Pansy Gwen wings!

Large wine & purple iridescent fairy wings with downward curved tips, antennae and appendages, worn on a dress form

I will have one set of the above Fauna fairy wings in the ‘Moth Berry’ color scheme with burgundy wine, magenta, purple and dark brown accents laminated onto the clear Diamond Fire film, with black veins. They will be $490 plus shipping.

Large purple & blue iridescent fairy wings with elongated slightly downward curved tips on upper panels, and small tail that swoops up from bottom panels, worn on a dress form

I’ll also have a set of the classic Titania fairy wings in Dark Crystal with black veins as shown above. Those will be $195 plus shipping.

If I have enough vinyl on hand I'm planning on also offering a repeat set of the Fayette wings in Water Lily, which were worn fabulously by this customer whose photo he kindly allowed me to share on Instagram here:

And maybe a set of Nightshade wings with silver veins if possible but I'm not positive those will make it.

I have also now discounted the ready-to-ship Giant Pansy Gwen wings to $549, and also added a listing for those giant Pansy Gwen wings made-to-order, available now!

Remember, the wings listings won't show up until that date at the start time at this link: