Additional Wings for August 1st

Alright fairies, here are 2 additional sets of wings that will be listing in the sale tomorrow, August 1 at 8pm PDT.

Subtly iridescent fairy wings in earth tones with lots of detailed copper veins, worn on a dress form, front view

The first set is the Colette design, painted in earthy tones with bits of blue and purple, laminated on the Patina Green film with copper veins. This is the first time I'm making these with copper veins, and the thinner painted veins don't match the actual veins 100% because with the reflectiveness of the copper it looks like a different shade depending on your angle and lighting. But I think they turned out neat regardless. They will be $499.

Next are the Cosette wings.

Large spikey iridescent purple & blue fairy wings with black veins and antennae, worn on a dress form, front view

This time I laminated them in the Dark Crystal film and without the usual additional layer of vinyl veins so I could price it more affordably at $399 rather than almost $600. I also put some tatters & holes in these, they'd be perfect for an unseelie fairy or for a goth look.

I'll also have a listing for a repeat set of Datura wings with silver veins, also in Dark Crystal.

Please see the previous post for photos of the Fayette wings that will be available.

Remember that the listings won’t show up until the start time at this link:

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