First, I LOL’ed at the promise of over $100,000 in royalties this year when they straight up told me they are unwilling to pay an up front fee and too many customers are still waiting on refunds.
Then I ROTFL when I noticed the ‘It’s a Shame’ subject header.
Gaslighting much?
They insisted to me they are an honest company but wouldn’t even pay anything up front AFTER they neglected my license terms the first time and expected me to trust them out of blind faith.
That’s not how it works, and for the record, any IP attorney working on contingency is going to want to get a couple thousand out of any settlement agreement at the very least, and had I attempted to litigate, statutory damages START at $700 and go up to $150,000.
In case you aren’t aware, statutory damages are what an IP holder can be awarded REGARDLESS of whether or not profits are made off the infringement. A judge would only need to determine whether or not the infringement was willful. Willful, meaning the party knew the content did not belong to them and used it anyway.
At this time, I realize nothing will be paid, I’m cutting my losses and moving on.
I initially wasn’t going to offer licensing at all to them, but mermaid friends let me know they had rough times & were trying to make things right, so I took a chance in contacting them directly to enforce my rights.
It’s a great example of why I usually don’t. I don't feel they took me seriously, & hope they respond differently in the future.
Even licensing agreements that don’t start out with infringement usually require an up front non-refundable advance on royalties. I don’t like that they're trying to spin it as if I tried to sneak in an up-front fee, when I requested a reasonable penalty fee from the beginning.
Their apology came with condescension & attempts to guilt me into believing I'm the one missing out by walking away, which cheapens the apology and leaves me feeling even more distrustful of the company. Telling me I'm missing out on $100,000 of royalties in the first year while simultaneously refusing to pay up front and expecting blind trust from the person they infringed is not a good look.
For the record, that digital stock is sold here on my site:
Most of the terms are spelled out right in the listing, as well as in the File Info, but here is the actual Terms of Use file:
Every screen shot pertaining to this, including an old screen shot of the previous infringement of a Blue Tang tail design and capture of my original C&D email can be found here:
*Edit 3/6/2019
Oh but wait! There’s more! Since my last update, There was an Instagram mer news account, @mermaidelite, that was taking public statements from Swimtails and I, with Swimtails’ statement posted in an Instagram story. I wrote one up but it wasn’t shared as far as I know, though my mother did come down with pneumonia and we had to rush her to the ER and deal with her recovery for about a week now so I may have missed something.
Soon after, I see that Swimtails had posted what appeared to be a public apology. It would have been really cool, however, they stated they were paying my fee, and the fee never showed.