Ready to Ship Fairy Wings Sale Sunday Dec. 10 at 8pm PST

I’ve got some special wings I finished, and they’ll be listing Sunday 12/10 at 8pm PST. These are the extra large Ellette fairy wings, painted in the ‘Water Lily’ palette, laminated onto clear Diamond Fire film with gold veining.

Front view of extra large iridescent fairy wings in various shades of green, teal, blue, lavender with touches of pink, with gold veins, worn on a dress form with underbust corset

I was inspired by the colors of a water lily on a pond at twilight, and tried to capture that palette for this. Should I paint other wings in this palette? They will be $729, which is discounted from what they’d usually sell for as I know funds are tight for a lot of people - including myself, and I don’t want them to sit around for too long.

The other new set of wings is the standard sized Fauna design, painted with pink edges & green at the base, with an ‘eye’ detail, that I’ll call Rose Petal. It’s laminated with the Ultraviolet iridescent film and the veins are gold. They will be priced at $490 plus shipping.

Front view of a dress form wearing an underbust corset & 'Fauna' transparent pink, violet & green iridescent fairy wings with downward curved tips, antennae & wispy 'tails', with gold veining

The other two repeat wings will be Nightshade in Poison Apple with gold veins and Nightshade in Dark Crystal with Silver veins.

Remember that the wing listings won’t show up until the start time at 8pm Pacific time Sunday, Dec. 10 at this link:

Ready to Ship Flash Sale on Tuesday Nov. 21 at 8pm Pacific Time

These painted ‘Absinthe’ Datura wings will be available in a flash sale on Nov. 21 at 8pm PST. Please note though that all orders will be shipped next week after the holiday weekend.

La fee verté! Inspired by the mythical green fairy said to visit those who drink Absinthe liquor, these wings feature my digitally hand painted pattern in brilliant shades of green & gold, with touches of purple in the ‘eye’ spot. The veins are gold. I’ve only offered these before with the foil accents and Swarovski crystals, but they’re pretty stunning on their own without the embellishments as well as a bit more affordable.

As I’ve mentioned recently, I’ve been able to reduce the cost of the painted & printed wings slightly on my end enough to add another clear layer of vinyl over the print for better adhesion to the vinyl on top as well as to make them more durable and water resistant. I still have not tested these under water however, so try that at your own risk and understand they might not survive the dunk. I hope to be able to test it soon.

Next are the Aphrodite fairy wings in Patina Green with silver chrome veins. I have been neglecting this film color, but it is a unique one not easily found elsewhere and it has a softer shine than the others. Sort of the sister film to the Rose Gold which has a similar satin finish instead of super glossy and shiny.

I’ll also have a couple of repeat wings listed. Again, these are all ready to ship but won’t ship out until next week after the holiday weekend as I realized I accidentally got the wrong type of screws & need to re-stock those.

If you are having trouble threading the nuts onto the screws / bolts with the static assembly, and the tip of the bolt is pinched or tapered, you probably have the wrong type! It should be a machine screw with a vertical shaft that’s flat at the end with no tapers, the size is 4/40 and the head type is the pan head. You can usually find these at your local hardware store in the bins where you can pick them individually for maybe 12 cents a piece. I’m trying to email the customers that I think got the wrong hardware before I realized it.

Here's a link to the flash sale page, with a reminder that they won't show up until the start time.

Ready to Ship Fairy Wings Flash Sale Sunday Nov. 5 at Noon PST

A small selection of ready-to-ship wings will be listing this Sunday Nov. 5 at 12pm Pacific Time.
These Fayette wings laminated in clear Ultraviolet feature gold veining for the first time!

Like all my Pixish Collection wings, these Fayette wings feature a matching vinyl layer of thin detailed veins. They will be $590 plus shipping.

Next are the Aphrodite wings in the Rose Gold film with shiny silver chrome veins, they are $369 plus shipping.

There will also be a couple of repeat wings available - the Fauna wings in Blush with silver veins, and the Elvina wings in Dark Crystal with silver veins.

Remember to be ready right on time at the flash sale page, listings won’t show up until the start time. Here’s a link:

Ready to Ship Fairy Wings Flash Sale Tuesday Oct. 24 at 9pm Pacific

These extra large ‘Moody Mauve’ painted Datura fairy wings are actually already listed, with the rest scheduled for Tuesday at 9pm PDT

I finally decided to let these extra large Datura wings go. I meant to keep them for myself but never got to wear them, and now my wide format printer has pooped out on me just as I was trying to squeeze in some last minute painted wing listings so I'm offering these up! Hand painted digitally by me, and laminated on the Lilac film which has been discontinued by the vendor so these are a pretty unique set.
You can purchase them here, and installment payment plans are possible:

The wings below will be listing on Tuesday the 24th at 9pm Pacific Time, starting with these Colette wings in Opal with gold veins that I decided to try making without the complex vinyl vein layer this time.

Maybe next time I’ll include the intricate vinyl vein layer, but the Cosette design I made that way in gold took a while to sell due to the price point required, even though the black veined version was snapped up quickly. Might have been timing or the lack of contrast that the black veins have, in any case these simplified ones will be $329 plus shipping. The metal vein structure is still more detailed than most of the Ethereal Collection designs.

These Aphrodite wings below will also be listing, in the same Opal iridescent film with gold veining. They will be $369 plus shipping.

The last new set will be the Trinket wings laminated in Poison Apple, with gold veining. They will be $279 plus shipping. I’ll also have a repeat set of the Fauna wings in Dark Crystal with black veins available.

If you want to have any of these arrive by next weekend, you MUST email me as you may need to pay for faster shipping.
Remember, these listings won’t show up until 9pm Pacific Daylight Time on Oct. 24th on my Flash Sale shop page here:

For the Pumpkin Spice Fans!

'Pumpkin Spice' is what I'm naming this colorway, inspired by Buckeye and Peacock butterfly patterns, painted on my Pansy wing design.

I had a sudden inspiration to finally paint my version of those butterflies on Saturday and found myself painting for quite a few hours until I had the look I wanted.

These will be listing in tomorrow night's ready-to-ship flash sale at 8pm Pacific along with the painted Fayette wings in my last News post, and a couple others. I’ll either update this or make a new blog post letting you know what the other wings will be.

They will be $489, marked down slightly from the usual $500 for painted wings because I've finally found vinyl material I can print at home again which saves me driving time. However, it takes more time printing them myself due to having to babysit the pages as they print and also having to lay them out on my table to fully cure before laminating. They also now all have an additional clear layer of vinyl protecting the ink surface before the final lamination with the frames, so painted wings have 3 clear vinyl layers versus the 1 layer that single color iridescent wings have which makes them more durable. So you're getting an even more durable set of wings for slightly less than before.
Same goes for the Fayette wings I already shared, I forgot to mention this change. As always, these are digitally hand painted by me using a stylus in Photoshop and / or Painter.

Although they are more durable and are still very water resistant as well, I still can't promise they will hold up under water for a whole underwater shoot as well as the single color wings and have not had a chance to test this new brand of printable vinyl in water. You're of course welcome to test this yourself, but I can't be held liable if the ink layer gets damaged.

Again, the ready-to-ship wing sale is tomorrow, October 3 at 8pm Pacific Daylight Time at this link:

Remember to be ready at the start time as wings sometimes sell out quickly. They won’t be visible until the start time for the sale.

If you’d like to support me and my fairy wing art further, would like the earliest sneak peeks at what I’m working on & get bonus content you can subscribe to my Patreon,

Ready To Ship Wings Sale Tuesday, Oct. 3 at 8pm PDT

This wicked set of Fayette wings will be featured in this ready to ship drop Tues. at 8pm Pacific! I’m naming this colorway ‘Poison Plum’.

It's going to be hard to give these up, not gonna lie. I'm a bit in love with these colors. After I finished them I thought they seemed to have a similar color palette to the sea witch Ursula and almost named them as such, but am going with 'Poison Plum' instead. I think they’d go great with a ‘bad fairy’ or goth look as much as they’d work with a purple flower fairy of some sort. They will be $590, and are the largest wings that work in the flapping mechanisms I sell.
Do you want to see more wings with these colors in the future? If not, what other combos are you looking for?

I was originally going to try to have a sale this weekend, but due to technical difficulties and other snags I'm going to have it Tuesday night, Oct. 3 at 8pm Pacific Time instead.

I'll post more updates here as I finish other wings so watch this space over the next couple days, and there will be a couple repeat colorways as well. There will be at least one pumpkin spice fairy theme ;)
These will all be ready to ship!
They’ll be listed on my Flash Sales page here:

Remember to be ready at the start time as wings sometimes sell out quickly.

If you’d like to support me and my fairy wing art further, would like the earliest sneak peeks at what I’m working on & get bonus content you can subscribe to my Patreon,

Gold Veined Pixish Wings and Made to Order Sale

First, let me introduce you to the first Pixish Collection wing design with gold veining!

The Cosette wings are shown here done in gold for the first time, with the Opal iridescent film.

I've changed the gold to a new metallic gold that's similar visually but matches a vinyl better so I could pair the frames with the delicate vinyl vein layer in this color now. The candy coat gold was beautiful but double the cost for me, with coverage that was at times a bit inconsistant.
I'll have the other 2 Pixish Collection designs in gold eventually as well but they aren't ready just yet.
These list Sunday, Sept. 3 at 6pm Pacific Time ready to ship. However due to the restrictions on MailChimp’s basic subscription & the fact I have a separate VIP email list that’s also thru MailChimp I can’t publish this on my News blog until after 24 hours have passed after sending the email newsletter so it’s possible they’ll be snatched up by the time this publishes.

My Patreon patrons and the VIP email list always get notified of sales first, so if you want to be notified earlier please subscribe to one of those.

Now, for the made-to-order sale on Labor Day!
The sale will be on Monday Sept. 4 at 7pm PDT, which will be for made-to-order wings and will include a listing for a gold veined set of the Cosette wings in your choice of film, plus a set with black veins each priced at $595, as well as listings for Fauna wings ($360), Elvina wings ($350) and Aphrodite wings ($400) all with black veins. I'll also have a listing for MTO 26" Trinket wings with gold veins for ($350).
Note that the black veined Cosette wings can be either a single iridescent film color with the additional vinyl vein layer, OR, painted, without the vinyl vein layer since the black ink stands in for the thinner veins and makes the vinyl layer unnecessary. That is not the case with the gold veined Cosettes.

After this, I should be getting back to more ready-to-ship flash sales.

Need a link? This will take you to the Flash Sale page, but remember they won't show up until the start time:

Tiny Sale, Big Wings

I’ll have 2 fairy wing listings on Sunday, August 27 at 11am PDT!

They will both be made-to-order listings. First is the Extra Large Ellette wings, with gold veins for $675. These won’t have the candy gold, they’ll be a new gold that visually looks mostly the same but the coverage will be more consistent and won’t cost me double.

Next are the Fayette wings

For the Fayette wings, I'll be offering either the single film color OR painted for the same price because with the single color film wings the extra time & materials goes into the extra vinyl layer I apply to them, so they amount to about the same cost. They’ll be $600, and even though they’re larger than most of the standard large wings they will still work with the flapping mechanisms as well, but the extra large Ellette wings will not at this time.

Remember, the listings won’t show up until the start time at this link:

I may have yet another small sale with MTO listings, as I am still recovering financially from a tough couple of years and it's easier to pay the materials costs that way. I'll still never go back to unlimited MTO listings like I used to though and will still be making ready-to-ship wings. I just had not been very inspired lately to be honest.

Getting more personal with you all, this lack of inspo has been largely due to a deep depression that was largely triggered by a falling out in some close life-long relationships due to divisiveness about covid safety, which was compounded by other relational traumas over the course of my life.
Although I won't get into all the details, I got some information finally that helps things at least make a bit more sense especially regarding being misunderstood by neurotypical people and vice-versa.

I got the confirmation that I'm in fact autistic, in addition to having ADHD. I've strongly suspected, and would post here and there in my IG Stories about this suspicion, but it really makes a difference to have a professional confirm it. I definitely believe that self-diagnosis is valid, but I also stubbornly really wanted some confirmation outside of myself - which itself is a pretty autistic trait, needing a verified correct answer.
Although it doesn't fix everything, it is a weight lifted off my shoulders in a way, and my life makes more sense.
It changes how my depression, anxiety and CPTSD are approached, as some of my struggle might just be autistic burnout. Maybe some of it is disillusionment of reality, & the pandemic really brought that home in a bad way.
I really hope I can make more forward progress with this information now because I've still got so many projects and ideas I have yet to produce!

Last, speaking of the pandemic, I hope you'll consider masking again with N95s if you've stopped because covid is surging again & most people's immunity is practically gone. With the amount of bad news coming out about what it can do to our bodies even 2 years down the road, I think it's worthwhile to remain cautious at least until we get much better vaccines in us.

Have a great weekend and be safe <3