Small Fairy Wings Flash Sale Nov. 13 at Noon PST!

Sunday, Nov. 13 at noon Pacific Time, 2 sets of these Aphrodite fairy wings in the premium clear Aurora iridescent film which shines a brilliant green with touches of blue & yellow and a pink / yellow undertone, with candy coat gold veins will be listing for $390.

One set of the Fauna wings in premium Absinthe iridescent film which shines blue & green with touches of indigo and has a green undertone and candy coat gold veins. It will be $295.

There will also be one repeat set of the Fauna wings in Dark Crystal with black veins, for $287.
Shipping is additional, and a reminder that international shipments have been seeing long delays with US Postal so until that resolves I may be using UPS for international orders.

Remember that the listings won’t show up until the start time on Sunday at this link:

Want to support me and my work further? How about making your own flapping wings mechanism? You can subscribe to my Patreon here:

Fairy Wings and Flapping Mechanisms Sale Saturday Nov. 5 at 12pm PDT

Tomorrow, Saturday Nov. 5 at 12pm Pacific Time there will be a handful of both wings and flapping mechanisms! One of the wings with new colorways is the Aphrodite in Ultraviolet with black veins, now convertible too. They will be $359 plus shipping.

Front view of an ivory dress form wearing an alabaster underbust corset and large fairy wings with lots of intricate veins, some have 'thorns'. The upper panels curve slightly downwards along the top edge with pointy tips, the bottom panels have tail

The next new set are the Ellette fairy wings, laminated in iridescent Absinthe with black veining. One of the panels got a tiny glitter particle stuck in the film, you’d have to look very close to see it but I’ll be taking $10 off the usual price for it, they will be $255 since the Absinthe film is a premium film. Closeup in the images below.

The 3rd new set is the Datura design, laminated in the premium clear iridescent Opal film with double-coated candy coat gold veining. There will be 2 sets of these for $289. I think this color combo is especially ethereal!

Front view of an ivory dress form wearing an alabaster underbust corset and large fairy wings featuring antennae along the top. The upper panels are elongated with semi-pointed tips, the lower panels are smaller with slender tips that curve downward.

Now for the flapping mechanisms! These are all new colors / combos with all but one in some sort of metallic or color shift paint finish!
These are all sold separately, the wings listings are only for wings and the flapping mechanisms are also listed separately, you’d have to purchase each individually to make a whole set of flapping wings.
A reminder that the mechanisms are made to be used with the convertible wing panels I make, in the standard large sizes - and the Aphrodite wings should work too, as those aren’t a true extra large size like other designs I’ve sold before.

The flapping mechanisms from left to right are:
Dark purple / green color shift with black back plate
Magenta & purple gradient with a light purple / green color shift and black back plate
Plain purple with black back plate
Teal with purple color shift and black back plate

The painted color shift mechanisms will be $475 plus shipping, the plain purple one will be the usual $375 plus shipping.

Remember, the listings won’t show up until the start time. Here’s a handy link to the flash sale page:

If you’d like to further support my work, consider joining my Patreon

Fairy Wings Flash Sale Sunday Oct. 23 at 8pm Pacific!

There’s a chance these may arrive by Halloween in the USA, but there have been shipping delays so please purchase only if you want them even if they don’t make it in time for Halloween.

First, the Scythe wings in standard large, painted in purples, blues & black with a touch of blood red on the Opal iridescent film.

And another set of standard size large Scythe wings, in iridescent Dark Crystal with black veins.

'Scythe' fairy wings, based on goliath beetle wings with changes and antennae added, in iridescent blue/purple, are displayed on a dress form wearing an alabaster underbust corset. Facing front, with a plain white background

Then we have the extra large wings! There will be these Aynia XL fairy wings done in clear Ultraviolet film with black veins.

'Aynia' extra large fairy wings, elongated wings that come to a point, with antennae, in iridescent clear / violet, are displayed on a dress form wearing an alabaster underbust corset. Front view, plain white background

Last are the extra large Ellette wings, done in clear Diamond Fire iridescent with black veins

'Ellette' extra large fairy wings, elongated wings that come to a somewhat rounded point, in iridescent clear /yellow/orange/green, are displayed on a dress form wearing an alabaster underbust corset. Front view, plain white background

And that’s it!

Again, I will ship them out Monday or Tuesday and they *should* arrive by Halloween weekend if shipping times are standard without unexpected delays.
But delays have been happening here and there, so please don't order if you ONLY would want them for Halloween, just in case they don't arrive in time for your plans.

Definitely don't expect them in time if you're outside the US! 

Remember to be ready right at the start time as wings usually sell quick.
The flash sale page is 

Flapping Wing Mechanism Sale Tomorrow, Sunday Oct 2 at 1pm Pacific Time

We’ll have at least 4 mechanisms on Sunday Oct 2 at 1pm PDT, with one specially painted in a blue / purple color shift!

Wing flapping mechanism painted in sparkly purple with blue highlight color shift against a white background

The back plate is printed in the black PLA color. It does have a small scratch on the lower left side, as you can see below.

I'm still working on finishing orders from the previous MTO listings so I can get to making more wings for sale, and in the meantime Jordan's shoulder is finally feeling better so he put some flapping mechanisms together to list.
We'll take the scratch into consideration in the pricing, it will be around $450, a little more than the others due to the extra time it took to sand and paint.
There will also be an olive green, pink, and pastel green mechanism.

Just to remind everyone, we haven't licensed anyone and don't sell these mechanisms - or my wings - wholesale to other stores. Jordan makes the mechanisms and I make the wings here in the US.
Since I can't house a giant waterjet machine in the second bedroom of the 2nd floor condo we're renting, I have a local vendor cut the frames for me from my files I make in Illustrator.
I drive there to pick them up, sand them all by hand, and then take the frames to get powder coated locally as well.
After that, it's all me for the rest of the fabrication.

I'm the only seller who should be listing my designs.
I'm still trying to get counterfeits removed from AliExpress, if you see them please use their report tool if possible and don't buy them. It won't look like the photo, it won't be good quality. I've even come across Etsy sellers now that seem to be drop shipping the knock-offs and they're hitting me with false counter notices that I'll have to file a CCB misrepresentation claim for to fight it.

I appreciate all of you who buy the real thing 💜

The mechanisms will be listed this Sunday, October 2 at 1pm Pacific daylight time, they won’t show up before the start time. You can view one of the previously listed mechanisms here for more info on them:

Need a link to the flash sale page? This will take you right there:

Micro Flash Sale Saturday, Aug. 27 at 8am Pacific

This Saturday, Aug. 27 at 8am Pacific Time, I’ll have these two wings listing, ready to ship.

The first is the Elvina design in Dark Crystal iridescent film with silver chrome veining, standard size.

There will also be a set of Ivy fairy wings in the Absinthe iridescent film with white veins, also standard size.

That’s it for now, but look for more listings in the next 2 months as I catch up on existing orders.
It’s been a hell of a couple months but I’m doing my best to catch up, including a new tool that makes it so much easier on my hands to laminate these babies! I have wing maker friends Angelia of On Gossamer Wings and Jessica of Wearable Whimzy to thank for the suggestions <3
It doesn’t make it much faster but the fact it doesn’t cause so much pain means I will likely make more than previously.

Remember, the listings won’t show up until the start time on Saturday morning. Need the url? Here you go!

Want to support my artistic endeavors as well as get early access to sale announcements, tutorials, behind the scenes content, digital content and more?
Join my Patreon, which starts at as little as $1 a month here:

Made to Order Fairy Wing Sale Sunday, 7/31/22 at 10am PT

Prepare for Halloween season with fairy wings in your choice of film color and black veining. I’m even bringing back a couple older designs, the Scythe and the Aphrodite wings, and converting them to the new convertible style!

Now, I'd planned to have a very small ready-to-ship sale this weekend but due to this health insurance nightmare I've been dealing with, plus finding my wings being knocked off and sold by another company in China, plus CA sales tax day coming up on the first I didn't get around to it.

So instead I'm having a small made to order wing sale of designs that are currently being cut and set to be powder coated within the next few weeks. There will also be a set of Colette wings, Nightshade, and others.

Sale will be Sunday 7/31 at 10am Pacific Time.

This will be for black veined wings only, as that is the next color batch scheduled and I don't want there to be too long of a wait if I give you all the vein options. Some people had to wait too long due to me offering all the options before and the powder coating place increasing their minimum batch numbers which extended the wait between each color.

Jordan and I also decided to offer a few of the flapping mechanisms made to order in your color choice as well. They would be $420 plus shipping, and you can email me directly to place an order up until August 16th or until all 5 slots are filled. I’ll be sending an invoice for a deposit to place the order and put it into production, then send another for the balance right before they ship. Unfortunately I’m still not set up yet to ship to the EU since the new tax & customs laws went into effect. I will try to work on that this year once things are more stable.

Remember, you won’t see the listings until the start time. You can find the flash sale page at this link:

If you’d like to support my work further, and get early access to new product & sale news and content, you can subscribe to my Patreon here:

Fairy Wing Flash Sale! Sunday July 17 at 8pm Pacific

I’ll have 2 sets of new colorways for the Pansy and Elvina designs. First up is the Pansy in iridescent Berry with black veining.

Then I’ll have a set of Elvina fairy wings in iridescent Ultraviolet, also with black veins.

There should be a third set of wings, the Pansy wings in Dark Crystal iridescent film with silver veins which I’ve made before.
Remember, the listings won’t show until the start time, 8pm Pacific Daylight Time at this link: