Fancy Fairy Wings & Things

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2 Sets of Fairy Wings Available Now!

These 2 sets of wings are available in my wing shop right now! First, the Extra Large Elvina wings laminated in clear Diamond Fire, with black veining

The other available wing set, is the Cosette, laminated in clear Diamond Fire as well but with white veining.

These are available now on the Flash Sale page here:

*I’ve been told that there is some trouble getting the checkout process to work due to a shipping address issue. I think I’ve now fixed the problem, but if you run into a problem even though the wings show as available, please contact me!
Note, I still can’t currently ship to the EU.

Another update: unfortunately, difficult issues in my personal life have made the automatic donations I’ve had active here for a couple years impractical and to be honest I’ve been donating more than I can actually afford to with how my income has been impacted by both the pandemic supply issues and my treatment resistant depression. The Shopping Gives app that had allowed me to do so will also start charging almost $30 a month where before it was a free app, so sadly I will no longer be using it. However I will do my best to recover and donate to those causes again. I still have monthly donations running outside of Shopify to Planned Parenthood and Earthjustice since a few years ago.