Fancy Fairy Wings & Things

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Fairy Wing Accessories January Flash Sale! Tonight, 1/28 at 9pm Pacific Time

I’m back with a small offering of winged hair combs! Listings will go live tonight, Thursday, 1/28 at 9pm PST.
Let’s start with the biggest set, the 5 inch Salome wing design painted in greens with touches of purple, with brass veining and setting, and an iridescent glass crystal set in an ornate brass setting with filigree at the base. All the wings are embellished with Swarovski crystals.

Next up, the painted 3 inch Salome combs in purple with touches of green, with a narrower base sans the filigree, and a resin faux dark opal.

This next set is the 3inch Salome design, but with an extra of the upper panels so that each comb has 3. They’re a single color, the Aquamarine, with brass veins and a butterfly body setting at the base with an iridescent crystal.

The final set is the 3 inch Aphrodite fairy wing design also done in Aqua with brass veins and setting, with an additional panel from the Vivienne wings so it’s also 3 panels on each comb.
The ornate setting at the base of these is one I love the look of, but unless I find a different sort of hair attachment that’s easier to attach it to I might not work with this setting again. It’s actually 2 settings, the stone setting with the sort of crown edging, fit into a fancy base with a hole in the middle.
All Swarovski crystals on this one, including the blue stone at the base.

That’s all of them!
The large green Salome combs are gold plated, but the combs in the other sets are silver plated as I couldn’t get a hold of more gold plated ones quickly. The combs themselves are mostly hidden in hair anyway.
Remember to be ready right at 9pm Pacific time, here’s the flash sale page link if you need it: