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Snow White Privilege Explains Black Lives Matter

As you all know, I have always been pretty vocal about social justice and civil rights issues on my public social media spaces, especially recently after the horrifying murder of George Floyd sparked the last straw for the black community.
Black lives matter.
If you still need that explained, well you’re in luck, because the whitest of them all, Snow White Privilege, is here to do just that.

The whitest of them all is here from an alternate timeline to explain Black Lives Matter, police brutality, and white privilege to us.

Watch the whole thing, visit the links below, take a breath before you get defensive. Monetization for this video is off, though I've been a monthly Black Lives Matter donor since Trump's election and will continue to do so.

Below is the most comprehensive collection of donation, petition, and educational sites for Black Lives Matter and the topic of racism:

Please also watch this YouTube video below all the way through to donate to the cause by viewing! You don't have to spend a dime if you're not financially able to:

Learn more about being an ally and how to avoid accidental racist behaviors:

Learn how to talk to your children about race and racism, (without the F bombs):

Stop sanitizing MLK Jr.'s views, he also said "A riot is the language of the unheard". Understand why they happen - and who is often actually at fault:

Soooo much evidence of police brutality and racism:

"Move or you will be dead" the officer said. 20 minutes from where I live. Walnut Creek, California.

Where my friend and her 12 year old daughter got gassed, but this doesn't show the worst. She has not yet released her own footage publicly. She told me the white supremacists across the street, also out past curfew and heckling the protestors - remember they are kids - were not gassed, all aggression only shown towards the teens who were peaceful. My friend and her daughter were KNEELING, singing. Unacceptable, Clayton California!

Cops brutalizing right after kneeling for a photo opp:

Destroying first aid stations and injuring medical teams:

Our POS POTUS having peaceful protesters - including clergy - gassed so he can take a shitty photo op in front of a church he never goes to with a bible that he doesn't even read.

There's so much more, some are gruesome, and it's not hard to find the news stories about journalists, medics, peaceful protesters and even people just walking to their cars.

Learn more about why defunding the police is actually a good idea for all of us - going in, realize it does not mean all of a sudden never having any kind of enforcement of non-harm in the community it's just that there are too many of them doing jobs that should be done by another type of role. For example we don't need cops to help the homeless, or for drug treatment, they're trying to fill too many roles first of all. The version with laughs to tone down the sheer anxiety of all of this is John Oliver and he will explain it in a way no one else has, PLEASE make sure to listen to the video at the bottom of the article:

Share if you like, or only the helpful links if you prefer. I decided I'd use my old costume from my princess party company, and use my own white privilege to amplify the message to fellow white people especially. I hope you get the point now?

Also, FUCK TRUMP and the GOP members that are helping his rise to fascism. It goes without saying, if you support him, are no friend of mine.